

什么学生 & 员工需要知道

澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的目标是 provide students and staff with information about alcohol and drugs of abuse,学院对使用的立场,与非法相关的风险和后果 use, and ways to get help for those who may be experiencing problems.  健康的选择 and positive decisions can only be based upon having accurate information.  如果你 对这些政策有任何疑问,请与学生事务处联系 7号楼的办公室,电话253-566-5115或14号楼的人力资源办公室 at 253-566-5054. 


In general, drug use and abuse of alcohol can:

  • 干扰学习. Studies show that students who use illicit drugs and abuse alcohol significantly tend to have lower grades overall.
  • Distort sensory input and perceptions and exaggerate emotions. 当这种情况发生时, users aren’t fully in control of their actions.  的y are at higher risk for harming 自己或他人.  Drinking and driving is one example, date rape and increased 争论或打架是其他原因.
  • 让用户觉得他们在实际的表现是最好的 很妥协. This can result in poorer grades or work performance.  这可能会导致 由于对情况的错误判断或遗漏而增加事故发生的风险 关键信息.
  • Put the user at risk for medical complications or medical emergencies. 例如, 摄入大量酒精会干扰呼吸,甚至过量 of some drugs can cause cardiac irregularities or even cardiac arrest.

Specific Health Risks of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse

Health Risks of Psychoactive Drugs

所有精神药物(包括酒精)都可能产生与健康相关的负面风险 长期使用.  In addition, all these drugs can pose serious risks such as abnormal growth, brain damage and birth defects for the fetus of a drug-using female.  的 following are possible health risks:

兴奋剂:  Includes cocaine, nicotine, amphetamines.  Anxiety, agitation, malnutrition, high 血压,心律不齐,失眠,安非他明/可卡因精神病,抽搐, 心脏衰竭.

Depressants-sedatives /催眠药:  Includes alcohol, methaqualone, benozodiazepines, barbiturates.  中枢神经系统 抑郁,思维和判断力受损,协调性丧失,定向障碍, loss of memory and inhibitions, coma, possible death from overdose.

大麻:  包括大麻和大麻.  思维混乱,迷失方向,注意力难以集中,短期记忆丧失, 缺乏动力,焦虑,疲劳,偏执,精神病,肺损伤,癌症,生殖疾病 abnormalities, cardiovascular effects.

关于大麻的特别说明: 未成年人(21岁以下的人)持有和出售大麻仍然是非法的 or use and is illegal to possess for a person any amounts over 28.3克. 大麻 根据联邦法律和有关大学大麻的政策,这仍然是非法的 保持不变. It is illegal to produce, distribute or use marijuana on college property or during college-sponsored activities.

迷幻剂:  Includes LSD, PCP, mescaline and peyote, amphetamine variants.  错觉、幻觉、 时间和距离感知差,心率和血压升高,恐慌 flashbacks, may precipitate psychosis.

毒品:  Includes opium, heroin, morphine, codeine, methadone.  Anxiety, drowsiness and lethargy, 恶心、精神错乱、便秘、呼吸抑制、昏迷或死亡 用药过量的结果.

吸入剂:  Includes glue, paint thinner, gasoline, aerosol sprays.  恶心,头痛,知觉 扭曲,中枢神经系统抑郁,判断和思维受损,损伤 to brain live, kidney, bone marrow and lungs, sudden death.


Alcohol consumption causes a number of marked changes in behavior.  即使是低剂量 严重损害了安全驾驶所需的判断力和协调性, increasing the likelihood that the driver will be involved in an accident.  低到 适量的酒精也会增加各种攻击行为的发生率, 包括虐待配偶和儿童.  Moderate to high doses of alcohol cause marked 高级智力功能的损伤,严重改变一个人的学习能力 记住信息.  Very high doses cause respiratory depression and death.  如果与其他中枢神经系统抑制剂联合使用,剂量会低得多 of alcohol will produce the effects just described.

Repeated use of alcohol can lead to dependence.  Sudden cessation of alcohol intake 是否可能产生戒断症状,包括严重的焦虑、颤抖、幻觉 和抽搐.  Alcohol withdrawal can be life-threatening.  长期食用 大量的酒精,尤其是在营养不良的情况下,会导致 还会对大脑和肝脏等重要器官造成永久性损伤.

怀孕期间饮酒的母亲所生的婴儿可能患有胎儿酒精 并发症状.  这些婴儿有不可逆转的身体异常和智力迟钝.  此外,研究表明,酗酒父母的孩子更容易 risk than other youngsters of becoming alcoholics.

Counseling and Helping 资源 Available to Students and Staff

根据法律,华盛顿州提供所谓的“连续”帮助.  No 不管存在什么样的酒精或毒品问题,也不管它有多严重,都存在 is a treatment resource available to address the problem.  这范围从即时 医疗危机(解毒)以住院和门诊化学治疗为主 dependency, to aftercare and follow-up 服务s.  治疗的类型和长度 是否会被设置为处理问题并帮助患者恢复所需的级别 to normal, alcohol and drug-free functioning.  的 agencies that provide the various 治疗类型需要保持较高的专业标准,并受到监管 by the State of Washington, Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse.  治疗项目 是否只需要提供适当类型和数量的必要专业护理 to restore and maintain normal functioning.

澳门威尼斯人在线赌场不提供酒精或药物滥用的直接治疗 或上瘾.  It can and will assist any student or staff member seeking an appropriate 服务.  要想获得正确类型和数量的帮助,首先要进行彻底的评估 问题的关键.  Entitlement programs and partial or full private insurance coverage 你可能有空吗.  Students and staff may contact any of the following resources both on and off campus to get assistance:

Emergencies and Poisoning 信息

24-Hour Alcohol and Drug 信息 Line




Al-Anon / Alateen

360年奥林匹亚.407.9490; 1.877.313.4455
www.hr.wa.gov / EAP

TCC咨询中心 建筑7

行为准则 & 纪律制裁

Alcohol and Illegal Drugs—政策

提供一个无毒、健康、安全、有保障的工作环境是学院的宗旨 和教育环境,并遵守联邦无毒工作场所法 和1986年的《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》(公法99-570), Title IV, Sub-title B) and its amendment of the 1989 (Public Law 101-226).  非法 制造、分发、配发、拥有或使用管制物质 is prohibited in and on Tacoma Community College premises.

2013-2015年《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》执行情况两年期审查 条例(DOC)
2015-2017年度《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》执行情况审查 条例(DOC)

员工不得在酒精或任何非法行为的影响下上班 控制物质.  Violation of this policy by any employee may result in reasonable 怀疑测试,转介强制评估/药物滥用治疗 混乱或纪律处分,包括解雇,根据联邦 以及州法律,适用的集体谈判单位协议,权属法或其他 大学政策.  的 policies related to alcohol and drug use are available for 人力资源部员工.

TCC的政策是,任何违反学生守则的学生 Conduct will be subject to disciplinary action.  Disciplinary action is covered in 详情见WAC 132V-121-070,可能包括:1)纪律警告; (二)纪律处分,(三)留校察看,(四)停学处分, 或者驱逐.  Copies of the Code of Student Conduct are available in the Student Affairs Administration office in 建筑7 or 在线.

此外,华盛顿州法规和联邦法律规定了占有或分配 of illicit drugs and alcohol a crime subject to imprisonment, fine 或两个.

Legal Penalties for Unlawful Use of Alcohol or Illicit Drugs

对非法占有或分发非法物品的法律处罚摘要 drugs and alcohol can be found at the Counseling Center, Building 18, 253.566.5122.  如果您想了解更多相关信息,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场会将您介绍给相关的联邦政府, state or local resources that can provide more details and answer questions.  在那里 are a number of laws that deal with alcohol and drug abuse.  这是你的责任 理解并遵守这些规则.

任何违反此政策的学生都可能受到纪律警告,谴责, probation, suspension or expulsion.  Violations by employees may result in referral 用于强制评估/治疗药物滥用障碍或纪律处分 直至并包括解雇.  In addition, state and federal laws make possession 或分发非法毒品和酒精是犯罪,可判处监禁和罚款 或两个.